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I really think we should invest in a time share in Las Vegas…

Las Vegas... so we meet again

Starbucks triple lattes, hours of borderline bad music on loop, 2 bags of beef jerky and a smart phone with stupid road trip games made for 12 year olds, really doesn’t make the 4 hour drive that bad.. not good but not bad. Another trip to Las Vegas.. this time to visit one of our favorite online retail mega site Zappos. Even the boys of Sub_Urban RIOT flew out for the fun.

"Check out the car we rented. It's an old Dodge. We totally feel like detectives driving it around." - Sub_Urban RIOT

Venetian Conference Room

Selena Gomez and 10 year old girls aren't the only ones that are in love with Justin Beiber

We raided the Zappos ice cream bin.. they have an endless amount of Skinny Cow ice cream which was our breakfast.. and lunch. That place is like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory without the creepiness and the scary Oompa Loompas… and all the bad things happening.

So not at all.